Just finished
IOI 2024 took place in Egypt. Visit the official website to learn more.
Just finished IOI 2024 in Egypt
The following data outlines the organization of the International Olympiad in Informatics. There are multiple people and commitees that make sure everything is conducted correctly and according to the IOI Regulations.
The President provides leadership for the IOI.

Sun Teck Tan from Singapore was elected at IOI 2024 as IOI President for a term of three years.
Sun Teck Tan
Associate Professor (Educator Track)
Emeritus Director, Centre for Nurturing Computing Excellence (CeNCE)
National University of Singapore
Email: tanst_at_comp.nus.edu.sg
List of past presidents of the IOI: Benjamin Burton (Australia), Greg Lee (Taiwan), Krassimir Manev (Bulgaria), Richard Forster (United Kingdom), Arturo Cepeda (Mexico), Zide Du (China).
The Office and Secretary of the IOI provides service for the administration and development of the IOI.
The Office of the IOI (OIOI) is headed by the Secretary of the IOI, who is an ongoing non-voting member of the IC. The OIOI is dedicated to servicing the administrative and developmental needs of the IOI. The Secretary is appointed by the IC for a minimum period of three years.
Secretary of the IOI: J.P. Pretti
Email: secretary.ioinformatics_at_gmail.com
The Treasurer administers the financial needs of the IOI.
According to IOI regulations the Treasurer has the following responsibilities:
- Administration of the financial needs of the IOI;
- Ensuring that all funds received are deposited with the IOI Foundation;
- Pay approved expenses of the IOI, from such funds as may be available for those purposes. This excludes costs obligated and covered by Host Countries;
- Keep proper books of account which shall be audited annually, and the Audited financial statements to be approved by the GA;
- Assist the IC in preparing the budget for the forthcoming year.
Current treasurer is Eljakim Schrijvers.
Email: eljakim+ioi_at_gmail.com
More information about the current account status can be found in the GA and IC minutes (available in various pages throughout the site).
The Chair is charged with organizing the IOI in their designated year in their respective country. Past Chairs of the IOI include the following:
Prof. Dr. Peter Kenderov | Bulgaria | 1989 |
Academician Nikolay Krasovsky | Soviet Union | 1990 |
Prof. George Philokyprou | Greece | 1991 |
Mr. Peter Heyderhoff | Germany | 1992 |
Dr. Alicia Bunuelos | Argentina | 1993 |
Mr. Yngve Lindberg | Sweden | 1994 |
Mr. Ries Kock | Netherlands | 1995 |
Dr. Péter Hanák | Hungary | 1996 |
Mr. Lionel Hartmann | South Africa | 1997 |
Prof. Alexandre Cerveira | Portugal | 1998 |
Dr. Gokturk Ucoluk | Türkiye | 1999 |
Prof. Zide Du | China | 2000 |
Mr. Jari Koivisto | Finland | 2001 |
Prof. Ha-Jine Kimn | Korea | 2002 |
Prof. Don Piele | USA | 2003 |
Dr. Spyros Bakogiannis | Greece | 2004 |
Prof. Krzysztof Diks | Poland | 2005 |
Mr. Arturo Cepeda | Mexico | 2006 |
Mr. Ivo Separovic | Croatia | 2007 |
Dr. Mohammed Youssef | Egypt | 2008 |
Krassimir Manev | Bulgaria | 2009 |
Prof. Troy Vasiga | Canada | 2010 |
Kanchit Malaivongs | Thailand | 2011 |
Prof. Giuseppe Colosio | Italy | 2012 |
Peter Taylor | Australia | 2013 |
Prof. Greg Lee | Taiwan | 2014 |
Prof. Bakhyt Matkarimov | Kazakhstan | 2015 |
Dr. Vladimir Kiryukhin | Russian Federation | 2016 |
Mohammad Ali Abam | Iran | 2017 |
Kazuo Furukawa | Japan | 2018 |
Mr. Jeyhun Bayramov | Azerbaijan | 2019 |
Bernard Tan Cheng Yian | Singapore | 2020 |
Bernard Tan Cheng Yian | Singapore | 2021 |
Brian Marshal | Indonesia | 2022 |
László Jobbágy | Hungary | 2023 |
Eslam Wageed | Egypt | 2024 |
The General Assembly (GA) is the owner of the IOI.
The International Committee (IC) is charged with overseeing the organization of the IOI.
The International Scientific Committee (ISC) is charged with overseeing the competitions at the IOI.
The International Technical Committee (ITC) is charged with overseeing the competition environment and grading system at IOI.
You can find more information about the various commitees on their page.
IOI Logo
You can download an archive containing the IOI logo in various formats and styles here.
The logo is also visible on the homepage of the International Olympiad in Informatics.
You can find more information and an archive of old IOI data on the following link: http://history.ioinformatics.org/
The History website of the International Olympiad in Informatics is maintained by Mārtiņš Opmanis.