Just finished

IOI 2024 took place in Egypt. Visit the official website to learn more.

Just finished   IOI 2024 in Egypt

IOI Journal - Editorial Board

The following people are part of the IOI Journal Editorial Board. As mentioned, this is an international open access journal, where only original high-quality scientific papers are accepted (peer reviewed).

Editor-in Chief

  • Valentina Dagiene, Vilnius University, valentina.dagiene_at_mii.vu.lt

Executive Editor

  • Mile Jovanov, Sts. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, North Macedonia, mile.jovanov_at_finki.ukim.mk

Technical Editor

  • Tatjana Golubovskaja, Vilnius University, tatjana.golubovskaja_at_mii.vu.lt

International Editorial Board

  • Benjamin Burton, University of Queensland, Australia, bab_at_maths.uq.edu.au
  • Michal ForiĊĦek, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia, misof_at_ksp.sk
  • Gerald Futschek, Vienna University of Technology, Austria, futschek_at_ifs.tuwien.ac.at
  • Marcin Kubica, Warsaw University, Poland, kubica_at_mimuw.edu.pl
  • Ville Leppanen, University of Turku, Finland, villelep_at_cs.utu.fi
  • Krassimir Manev, New Bulgarian University, Bulgaria, manev_at_nbu.bg
  • Seiichi Tani, Nihon University, Japan, tani.seiichi_at_nihon-u.ac.jp
  • Peter Waker, International Qualification Alliance, Republic of South Africa, waker_at_interware.co.za
  • Willem van der Vegt, Windesheim University for Applied Sciences, The Netherlands, w.van.der.vegt_at_windesheim.nl
  • Luigi Laura, Uninettuno University, Rome, Italy, luigi.laura_at_uninettunouniversity.net

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The IOI publishes a journal every year, with original high-quality scientific papers related to education, contests and algorithms.