Coming soon

IOI 2024 will be hosted by Egypt. Visit the official website to learn more.

Coming soon   IOI 2024 in Egypt

IOI Talks #1

Dear IOI Community,

   in July, we shared information on the IOI mailing list regarding the first edition of IOI Talks. A lot of people registered for the event, shared their thoughts and ideas, and we would like to thank you for your interest and comments.

   To access all content, videos and interviews now (if you didn't get a chance to participate in the previous months), please follow this link:

   IOI Talks is a new initiative, where we want to occasionally publish presentations, events, book recommendations, interviews and videos that can be of interest to the broader IOI community. The main idea for this initiative is to keep the IOI community active outside the actual Olympiad, which is organized once per year, and to publish content more regularly on the IOI website.

   In the first edition of IOI Talks, we featured interviews and presentations with Benjamin Qi - the winner of IOI 2018 and 2019, Martin Mares - the chair of the ITC, Petr Mitrichev - one of the best competitive programmers, IC members, various discussions on topics such as introducing honourable mentions at the IOI, a booklet featuring solutions to past IOI problems (IOI 2018), and more.

   If you have any specific questions, thoughts, or ideas, feel free to send an email to

   Thank you.

Need more info?


Not sure where to go? Click here to view some basic information on how to learn programming and prepare to win a medal at the IOI.


A couple of volunteers maintain a separate page with stats about people who participated at the International Olympiad in Informatics.


The IOI publishes a journal every year, with original high-quality scientific papers related to education, contests and algorithms.