Just finished
IOI 2024 took place in Egypt. Visit the official website to learn more.
Just finished IOI 2024 in Egypt
Call for Papers

Dear IOI Colleagues,
The 19th conference will be held concurrently with the 2025 International Olympiad in Informatics, taking place in Bolivia.
The IOI conference covers national and international informatics contests, and offers an opportunity to bring together the collected knowledge and experiences from many events which currently take place across the globe.
Please submit your proposals (title and short abstracts, 2-5 lines) for papers until end of February to Valentina (valentina.dagiene_at_mif.vu.lt). The full papers are to be submitted by 31 of March 2025. We need time for reviewing.
If you would like to read papers from the previous IOI conferences you can find them on the IOI website: https://ioinformatics.org/page/ioi-journal
If you would like to get hard copies of last year volumes, write me and indicate your post address. I still have few spare copies of the journal.
IMPORTANT. As previous years, the papers will be divided into two groups: 1) research papers, and 2) country reports and experience organizing contests.
For the research papers - 8-15 pages,
For the national reports - 5-10 pages.
Additional interesting information for IOI community would be good as well: review of books, presenting an interesting task or explanation solution, describing programming games, etc. Be creative to suggest new interesting items!
If you need more information do not hesitate to send me emails.
I am very thankful for your interest and helping me to find authors.
Sincerely yours,
Professor Dr. Valentina DagienÄ—
Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies Vilnius University, Lithuania
Editor-in-Chief of "Olympiads in Informatics"
Editor-in-Chief of "Informatics in Education"